Accept it. We did it – Climate Change


[The graph above shows the increases of CO2 in our atmosphere since the industrial revolution]

The Queensland Premier (Campbell Newman) and some National Party leader (Warren Truss) are climate change deniers. Despite the federal government’s Climate Commission acknowledgement that climate change is responsible for the very hot weather we’ve been having lately, these two are from the “well it’s open to debate” argument.

Climate change talk is not convenient Mr Newman. It’s necessary.

The evidence is here.

Nasa – Climate Change website 

Even if you don’t understand graphs, green house gasses and how ice cores are tested, it’s pretty easy to see that climate is changing at a rapid rate when you see glaciers floating off the coast of New Zealand. Sure, we know of a time before Antarctica existed and if memory serves me right that was back in the late cretaceous era when it was the only place on earth that had seasons. I’ll probably be dead before the impact of climate change are felt, or be too old to care, but you and I will have children and grandchildren who will inherit a pretty screwed up world.

I was watching morning TV last week and a viewer emailed in a rant about how Channel 7 was biased because they did not have an anti-climate change skeptic on the show to challenge the scientists. Um….it’s kind of like asking them why they don’t have a colour-denier to challenge someone who is pointing out that mint leaves are green.

Scientists are already in agreement that it’s happening and the only thing we can do is to limit the impact.

Yet still we sit like frogs in a frying pan.

What can I do?

Sometimes it’s easy to feel disheartened and overwhelmed by everything that’s happening, and that the only thing you can do is pray for a heaven that has a stable temperature of 25 degrees.

I don’t know. I suppose the answer is to lobby the government and do what we can as individuals. For starters, I’m going to limit my carbon footprint. I am as guilty as anyone else of destroying the earth and selling out. I felt guilty but I got sucked into things like buying plastic crap I don’t need, wrapping paper that is a complete waste of money and kills rainforests. I drive a hybrid, but what happened to my old car?

I have opted to go 100% green energy and by bills are lower than my coal consuming friends. I live close enough to a power plant to see the smog that’s pumped into the air. I know I can do more and I will do more.


As the old Cree saying goes “When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can’t eat money”